About The Green Roses Tea
Green Roses green tea is blended with rose, strawberry and papaya flakes that gives this aromatic green tea a delicious fruity flavour. The taste notes end with a smooth cranberry finish. Try this interesting aromatic fruity blend to explore newer flavors!
Tea Ingredients, Flavor & Benefits
green tea, rose petals, strawberry pieces, papaya flakes, flavoring
Flavor Profile:
Green tea taste with cranberry and strawberry undertones
- Low caffeine great green tea for beginners looking for fruity flavors.
- May relieve stress and energize your body
Tea Brewing Instructions
- Boil 200ml water in a pot.
- Add one tea spoon or 2gms of tea.
- Let it brew for 1-2 mins minutes at 80 Degree Celsius.
- Pour tea into a cup and enjoy.